• 01913555111
  • Unishe Tower, Mymensingh Road, Chandona Chowrasta, Gazipur-1702
  • bistprincipal@gmail.com

Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BGIFT Institute of Science & Technology (BIST)



Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

BBA program which is referred to as the golden passport, since it gives its holder an edge in the job market by opening more doors of opportunity. The present decade has been labeled as the era of business, business administration and business graduates. The BBA program aims at developing a student’s intellectual ability, executive personality and managerial skills through an appropriate blending of business and general education. The Bachelor of Business Administration degree program combines the required general education courses that can provide liberal arts foundation for careers in business and management or preparation for advanced study. The BBA program will be a four-year degree program comprising eight semesters in which the first six semesters are common to all BBA students and the rest two semesters concentrates and focus on the four specialization areas that include:

  • Accounting and information system;
  • Management Studies;
  • Marketing;
  • Finance and Banking.