Bhawal Gazipur Medical Institute (BGMI)
BIST which stands for Bhawal Gazipur Medical Institute (BGMI) , affiliated by National University was set up since 2008 and running very successfully. Under the National University BIST offered four years B.Sc. in (Hons.) degree, Subjects are- Apparel Manufacture & Technology (AMT), Fashion Design & Technology (FDT) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) to meet the growing need for advanced education. BIST also affiliated by Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB). In this institute many students are studying in diploma in engineering courses in different subjects. Su
We are beleive technology growing fast.
BIST offered four years B.Sc. in (Hons.) degree, Subjects are- Apparel Manufacture & Technology (AMT), Fashion Design & Technology (FDT) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) to meet the growing need for advanced education. And Diploma in engineering subjects are Nine. This course focuses on Advertisement, Sales Promotion, Marketing Communication, Public Relation, Personal Selling, Entrepreneurship, Sales Management etc. which are aspects of corporate sector as need of globalization era. This department are actively engaged in Class room teaching, Mentoring, Industry visit, Job training, Counseling, Indoor project (Subject oriented) and many more for entire development of students. These courses are fully job oriented and professional course. From the point of view of the present time, these subjects are very important to improve the quality of education, the industrial trade, the factories, the development of all kinds of workplaces, the development of the standard of societies, the development of countries and nations.
We have a lot of glorius academic achivement in education sector.
BIST has many events. Such as cultural event, fresher and farewell reception, Students felicitation & crest giving ceremony, Provide trees to students for planting purposes. BIST conducts dressing and Fashion show programs exhibition. BIST has a blood donation team. BIST Provides various relief, including winter clothing delivery. BIST has teams to create women entrepreneurs. BIST has an international organization to promote employment awareness for poor and helpless women. "BGIFT Institute of Science and Technology" is giving students certificates in social training programs for establishing peace discipline in the society with the aim of enhancing the skills and competence of youth.
We have experienced staff.
BGIFT Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) is one of the best professional institute under National University. BIST has highly qualified and highly experienced administration, teacher’s and officer’s. Our staffs or faculty members are highly educated and already achieve Graduates, Post-Graduates, M.Phil and Ph.D degree from world class reputed public, private, national and international university. By which we build a potential and dynamic team to achieved great success.
BIST Steering Committe List
Director & Principal